
Samstag, 11. Mai 2013

ARIOVIST UND DIE GALLIER: When Cesar went to the country of the Gauls...

(als Vorbereitung für die Caesarlektüre geeignet)

Cum Caesar (When Cesar) in Galliam venit (came to the land of the Gauls=France), ibi (there) factiones erant duae (were two political parties); principatum alterius (the rule; power of one) tenebant Haedui ("held"; "kept"=had the Haedui), alterius (of the other one) Averni (the Averni). Hi cum (Because they) multos annos (many years) de principatu (for the rule) inter se contendebant (fought; stuggled among themsevles; between each other), Averni Sequanique (the Averni and the Sequani) Germanos (the Germans) mercede (by payment) arcessiverunt (called; fetched; went for...). Cum iis (With them; against them) Haedui (the Haedui) eorumque clientes (and their followers) armis (with arms; weapons) contenderunt (fought). Pulsi (Defeated; after being defeated) magnam calamitatem (a big defeat) acceperunt (they received) et omnem nobilitatem (and the whole nobility), omnem senatum (the entire senate), omnem equitatem (all of the cavalry) amiserunt (they lost). Quibus calamitatibus (Through these defeats) Sequanis (to the Sequani) nobilissimos civitatis (the most noble men of the tribe) obsides (as hostages) dare coacti sunt (they were forced to give). Iure iurando (By an oath) Haedui (the Haedui) obstricti sunt (were compelled) sese (that they) auxilium (help) a populo Romano (from the Roman people) non imploraturos esse (they would not implore). Unus ex omni civitate (One of the whole people) Haeduorum (of the Haedui) Diviciacus (D.) adduci non potuit (could not be induced; made), ut iuraret (that he swore; to swear) aut liberos suos (or his children) obsides daret (to give as hostages). Ob eam rem (Because of that matter) ex civitate (away from his people) profugit (he fled) et Romam (and to Rome) ad senatum (to the senate) venit (he came), ut auxilium posceret (in order to demand help; ask for; require). Interea (Meanwhile) Ariovistus (A.), rex Germanorum (the "king" of the Germans), in eorum fines (within their borders=in their region) consedit (settled down) tertiamque partem (and one third) agri Sequani (of the land of the Sequani) occupavit (he occupied). Sed cum (But as; because) de altera parte tertia (from the the second third) Sequanos decedere iussisset (he had ordered that the Sequani go away; leave), Gallorum legati (a legation of the Gauls) ad Caesarem convenerunt (came to Cesar) et ab eo (and from him) auxilium imploraverunt (they implored help).-
ELEMENTA LATINA, Lateinisches Unterrichtswerk für die Oberstufe, Dr. K. Heiter, 2. Teil: Lese-und Übungsbuch für die vierte und fünfte Klasse (2. und 3. Lateinjahr), Frankfurt am Main, 1938, S.8 (Lesestück 9).
I hope you liked it!
Hail Cesar!
Sir R

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