
Montag, 22. April 2013


Non raro (not seldom; not rarely) mercatores Romani (Roman merchants) in Germaniam (to Germany) venerunt (came). Plerumque (mostly) patriam nostram (our native place; country) tuto (safely) peragrabant (they wandered through). Nam (for) multas res (many things), quas (which) Germani (the Germans) aliter (otherwise) sibi (for themselves) comparare non poterant (could not get), illi (those) carris suis (with their carts) importabant (imported). Magnopere (very much) maiores nostri (our ancestors) pretiosis vestimentis (by precious clothes) delectabantur (were delighted; rejoiced), magis (more) poculis aureis argenteisque (by golden and silver cups), maxime vero (but most; especially) vino et armis ferreis (by wine and iron arms). Tum (then; at that time) primum (first) Germani (the Germans) pecuniae usum didicerunt (learnt the use of money), inprimis (above all) ii (these), qui (who) Rheno proximi erant (were next to the river Rhine); interioris Germaniae incolae (the inhabitants of interior Germany) diutius (for a longer time) merces mercibus mutabant (exchanged ware for ware; articles of commerce). Ceterum (besides) litterarum quoque usum (also the use of letters) Germani (the Germans) cito a Romanis didicerunt (learnt from the Romans fast; rapidly). Ab illis docti (taught by those; because they were...) paulatim (gradually) aedificia melius aedificabant (they built buildings; edifices; better), ut (so that/ in order to) commodius habitarent (lived more comfortable; to live...). Nulla gens (no people; nation) usum tegularum (the use of bricks; tiles), fenestrarum (windows), murorum (walls) tam facile a Romanis didicit (learnt so easily from the Romans) quam Germani (than the Germans). Propterea (that's why) Romani (the Romans) non falso (not in a false way; not falsely; wrongly) magistri Germanorum nominantur (are called teachers of the Germans).-
From an old Latin-book: LUDUS LATINUS II, Lipsiae et Berolini in aedibus B. G. Teubneri, hrsg. v. Vizepräs. Lic. Dr. W. Hartke/ GehR. Dr. G. Michaelis (Lese-und Übungsbuch II für Quinta; verf. v. Fr. Wolff), 1932, S. 6 f.
vino et armis: true men drink wine and love their arms!
aedificia melius aedificabant: they were smart, the ancient Germans  (waren halt clever, die alten Germanen!)
SIR R (German, but not so ancient)

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